A fire hose of geeky news headlines for the weeks leading to October 5th, 2014.
- 00:00 - Date and Introductions
- 01:15 - Mojang Joins Microsoft; Founders Leaving (EscapistMagazine)
- 07:15 - eSports 'Not A Sport' Says ESPN President (Kotaku)
- 14:15 - Forget 9: Microsoft Introduces Windows 10 (EscapistMagazine)
- 19:50 - iPhone 6 Sales Pass 10 Million Mark In First Weekend (IGN)
- 27:05 - iOS 8.0.1 Update Breaking Touch Id, Cellular Reception (IGN)
- 28:55 - The Potato Salad Kickstarter Festival Actually Happened (Kotaku)
- 29:30 - Nintendo Celebrates Its 125th Anniversary (NintendoLife)
- 30:00 - Smash Bros Sells One Million Copies in Two Days (EscapistMagazine)
- 30:40 - Sony Financials: $2.2 Billion Net Loss This Year (EscapistMagazine)
- 31:30 - Woman Suing Disney: Claims Frozen Is Based On Her Life Story (IGN)
- 32:25 - First Dragon Quest Game Heads to iOS and Android (Rpgamer)
- 32:50 - Destiny Ships $500 Million (Joystiq)
- 33:20 - League of Legends Completely Restarts its Lore (IGN)
- 35:00 - Final Fantasy XV Director Leaves, Focusing on Kingdom Hearts III (IGN)
- 36:25 - TGS 2014: Here's the new Final Fantasy 15 Trailer (IGN)
- 37:00 - Final Fantasy 15 Director: Gender Bias Is "Not Healthy" (IGN)
- 38:35 - The Man Who Saved Final Fantasy XV (Kotaku)
- 41:00 - Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Adds Easy Mode, Cuts Co-op (Kotaku)
- 42:40 - Final Fantasy 13 Trilogy To Launch On PC Starting Next Month (IGN)
- 44:10 - Wrap up and rapid fire news reel!