A fire hose of geeky news headlines for the weeks leading to February 7th, 2014.
- 00:00 - Date and Introductions
- 00:40 - Microsoft Appoints Satya Nadella As Its Next CEO (Escapist)
- 02:15 - Marvel And Star Wars Heroes To Appear In Disney Infinity (Escapist)
- 04:25 - Carmack: id Software Wasn't Interested in VR (IGN)
- 05:45 - Nintendo Wants Their Platforms To Be More Like iOS (Kotaku)
- 07:40 - Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Available For Free on 3DS (Escapist)
- 08:45 - Battered NES Cart Back On eBay, $65,000 Buyout Price (Escapist)
- 09:50 - Nintendo Planning Discount Program for Regular Customers (Escapist)
- 10:45 - EVE Battle Breaks $300,000 In Real-World Losses (Escapist)
- 12:45 - Flappy Bird Is Making $50,000 A Day Off Ripped Art (Kotaku)
- 14:40 - App Store Madness As Terrible Game Tops Charts (Kotaku)
- 18:00 - Rust Sells 750,000 Copies, Creator Apologizes For Updates (Escapist)
- 19:40 - SOE Announces Weekly Updates for EverQuest II (Escapist)
- 20:30 - Starbound Dev to Protect Indies From Publishers (Escapist)
- 21:15 - Titanfall on PC Will Require EA's Origin to Play (IGN)
- 22:30 - Lightning Returns adds Tomb Raider cosplay in day-one DLC (Joystiq)
- 24:30 - Square Enix's Final Fantasy XIII Retrospective is Retro-tastic (Escapist)
- 26:00 - Steam Music Will Soon Be A Thing You Can Have (RockPaperShotgun)
- 27:25 - Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition is UK No. 1 (Joystiq)
- 29:00 - Jeopardy! Contestant Is Hated For Playing Like Nobody Else (Kotaku)
- 30:50 - Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes Reported to be Extremely Short (IGN)
- 32:00 - LoL Gets 27 Million Players A Day (RockPaperShotgun)
- 33:20 - Final Fantasy XIV Named Most Disability Accessible Game (Kotaku)
- 34:10 - The Elder Scrolls Online, no PS Plus, requires Xbox Live Gold (Joystiq)
- 38:40 - Wrap up and rapid fire news reel!