News is a new show we plan to do in-between the normal Quests! It's intended to be a fire hose of headlines followed by brief discussion compressed into about 30 minutes. We hope you enjoy it! Let us know either way :D
- 00:00 - Date & Introductions
- 03:15 - Sony sells 4.2 million PS4s, Microsoft sells 3 million Xbones (IGN)
- 05:25 - Nintendo 3DS Sales Rose Over 45% in 2013 (Escapist)
- 09:15 - Apple makes 10 Billion from the App Store in 2013 (Apple)
- 13:15 - Nintendo To Pay Royalties to Tomita on Every 3DS Sold (Escapist)
- 18:00 - Steam Machine Prices Range From $499 to $6,000 (Escapist)
- 24:00 - Starbound Sells One Million Copies While Still In Beta (Escapist)
- 27:10 - DayZ Beta Not Coming Until End of 2014 (Escapist)
- 29:25 - New Oculus Rift Prototype Includes Tracking Camera (Escapist)
- 33:50 - Alien: Isolation Trailer Returns To Its Roots (Escapist)
- 34:40 - Playstation Now introduced at CES (Time)